Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life Lately...

Peyton is truly our world. And we love it!! She is a dynamic, lively, entertaining, incredibly happy little girl. She keeps us on the go and always puts a smile on our faces. She loves touching, tasting, and exploring everything she sees. She loves strangers as well as familiar faces and will try her best to keep your attention for as long as she can. She loves to dance, jump, "run," and climb! Never a dull moment with this little one! We are so grateful to have been blessed with such an amazing little girl!

In addition to our little baby....

  • Brian still works at Backflip Studios, and loves it. We feel so lucky to be a part of such a great company with such incredible employees! Backflip Studios creates fun games for Smart Phones. You should check them out!
  • I am fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom, and I love it! I look forward to each day I get to spend with our sweet Peyton!
  • Brian was recently released as the Executive Secretary and now serves as the Assistant Scout Master. I, also, was released from Young Womens and now am serving in the Primary Presidency. We loved our previous callings, and we love our current ones. We are truly blessed.
  • We have an amazing network of people in our lives; awesome friends and family. We fill our free time mostly by spending it with others. 
Really, life is good! And we are loving every minute of it!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

why i love being a mom...

becoming a mom is one of those life-changing situations that words just don't do justice. it's one of those opportunities that you simply have to experience yourself in order to comprehend the joy and fulfillment involved in caring for a precious child. when i decided to quit my job to be a stay-at-home mom, i was surprised at how many people didn't support my decision. i guess they must not understand how incredibly wonderful being a mom truly is. and so for all you out there who think being a mom is a waste of time, a foolish choice, or an unimportant role...this is for you. and for all you moms (and dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents, guardians and friends) out there who are lucky enough to know the love of a child...this is for you, too; a sweet reminder.

a few reasons why i LOVE being a mom:

i love being a mom because every day i get to watch her learn new things...like how to roll, or play peek-a-boo, or try to eat (everything!)...and i feel so proud for each of her successes, and even her failed attempts

i love being a mom because a small, precious, gummy smile can turn any bad moment right around

i love being a mom because she laughs at my silly dances and smiles (not cries) when i sing

i love being a mom because i know how to make her laugh...that infectious, deep from the belly laugh that is sure to leave you laughing

i love being a mom because i love the feeling of having a sweet baby fall asleep in my arms

i love being a mom because i love the sense of wonder and adventure i see in my daughter. every day i watch her discover new and exciting things. her latest favorite: tupperware lids

i love being a mom because i feel like a hero. i know i can comfort and protect my baby from her fears (vacuums, falling, big dogs)

i love being a mom because i get to play dress-up. they make the cutest clothes and accessories for baby girls!

i love being a mom because i look forward to each day and the opportunities i will have to interact with my sweet baby girl. it's funny, but i get sad when i have to let her sleep. who knew you could miss your baby just while she's asleep?

i love being a mom because i love the coos, the giggles, the "ahs" and other fun babbles i get to listen to each day.

i love being a mom because there is nothing like watching your daughter's eyes light up when you walk into the room. i think this is what "pure joy" feels like

i love being a mom because time seems to slow down when we go for a walk, or lie on the carpet and look at each other, or just rock in our rocking chair and read books together

i love being a mom because my daughter can make any moment special. and she does.

i sure love you peyton!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So, it's been a while...

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to be better about blogging. We'll see how I do. As much as I would like to be a good blogger...my track record isn't the greatest. Since I last wrote, A LOT has changed. Brian graduated from the Art Institute of Denver and was then hired by Backflip Studios where he works as an animator, designing games for I-Pods/I-Pads. He LOVES his job and co-workers; I have never seen someone so happy to go to work and still so happy when he returns home. Such a blessing!! Right around that time, he was called to be our ward's executive secretary. He has a crazy busy schedule, but we feel the blessings in our home from his service. I, gratefully, still serve with the young women. What an awesome calling! I love the girls in our ward--37 and counting. However, I had a major change in my lifestyle when I quit my full-time job in early October...to stay home to take care of our sweet baby! That's right, Brian and I are parents!! We have an adorable baby girl who adds so much fun and joy to our lives.

We found out we were expecting a little over a year ago, and our lives have never been the same (in a very good way!). The months leading up to Peyton's birth were slow, but the months since have been flying by! She turned 4 months old this weeks!?! I cannot believe how fast she is growing up.

Peyton enjoys many things: Warm baths, sticking her feet in her mouth, our cheers each time she rolls over, pacifiers, bubbles, pulling my hair, her blanket, the book "One Thumb, Two Thumbs," being held to stand up, cuddling...the list goes on. She has just started the "belly laugh." All of you experienced moms and babysitters and aunts know what I'm talking about. Once she starts, I will do whatever I can to keep it going. It is SO cute. Her other new favorite pastime is receiving attention from strangers. Our little baby hams it up every time she realizes someone is admiring her. She smiles big and giggles for them. Such a crack up!

Brian and I feel very blessed to have such a sweet baby! And we feel so blessed to have each of you in our lives. I promise to try harder to keep you all updated. Until next time...