Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012...A Year in Review

It is crazy to think that it is already 2013?! Where has the time flown?? 2012 was a great year for our family, a year of many firsts, and definitely a year to remember.

In January, Peyton kept us entertained constantly with her deep belly laugh and never-ending giggling! Everyone would tell us what a happy baby she is...we knew we were blessed.

In February, Peyton cut her first two teeth and started to crawl. She also had her first bite of solid food. It was a big month for us!

In March, Peyton started getting into EVERYTHING as she really could get around. She also learned to wave...we loved it!

In April, Peyton learned "Mama," "Dada," and "Nana." She also would repeatedly say, "Oh no!"

In May, Peyton continued to put everything in her mouth. It was this month that she discovered her infamous plastic french fry. The two of them were nearly inseparable.

In June, Peyton was really confident about standing and would try to run...and then, she would laugh at herself each time as she would fall down. 

In July, Peyton's cousins, Alex and Genne, decided they had had enough of us after living with us for four months. They moved into their new home and tried to sell Peyton. We were happy for their new adventure, but sad to see them go!

In August, we spent time at the Denver Temple, teaching Peyton about the importance of eternal families. She also learned to fold her arms during family prayers and took her first steps.


In September, we visited Grandpa and Grandma Vinton on their mission. It was really fun for us to spend time with them, touring the Willie Site. Peyton also discovered her love for gymnastics and started doing floor routines anywhere she home, at the store, but usually at church. She also broke teeth 11 and 12.

October was a big month for us! Peyton turned one, we had a fun "Pretty in Pink" party, she started REALLY walking, and we dressed her up as a bumblebee for Halloween. In October, she also started blowing us kisses. Melts. Our. Hearts. Every. Time.

After much effort, Peyton finally started catching on to sign language in November. Life got much easier for us! She also discovered her love for "Little Pookie." We read her Pookie books now 4-5 times a day. Yes, all of them. Definitely her favorites.

In December, Peyton had her first encounter with Santa Claus...and she bawled! Classic. We also got to spend the Christmas season with all of Peyton's grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We made sugar cookies, decorated gingerbread houses, and played in the snow. It was a season to remember!

We feel incredibly blessed for all that we have. Wonderful family and friends, the Gospel, a home to live in, a wonderful job, and...our incredibly fun, beautiful, lively, and smart little monkey. 
We are anxious to see what is in store for us in 2013!